
Jordanian vaccines for children [2018]

This group expresses the number of basic vaccines given to Jordanian children and their doses by region


Field Value
Title English Jordanian vaccines for children
Title Arabic مطاعيم الاطفال الاردنيين
Description English This group expresses the number of basic vaccines given to Jordanian children and their doses by region
Description Arabic تعبر هذه المجموعة عن أعداد المطاعيم الأساسية التي تم اعطاؤها للأطفال الأردنيين و جرعاتها حسب المنطقة
Slug Name jordanian-vaccines-for-children-319-2018
Government Entity Ministry of Health
Resources Count 3
Total Downloads 3
Data Sectors Health
Keyword Tags English Vaccines
Keyword Tags Arabic مطاعيم
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 20:13 (UTC)
Created January 22, 2020, 07:21 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2018