
Attending the first qualifier of the local Hashemite competition for memorizing and reciting the Hol [2024]

Attending the first qualifier of the local Hashemite competition for memorizing and reciting the Holy Quran for none attenders females in its twentieth session on Thursday 12/19/2024


Field Value
Title English Attending the first qualifier of the local Hashemite competition for memorizing and reciting the Hol
Title Arabic حضور التصفية الأولى من المسابقة الهاشمية المحلية لحفظ القرآن الكريم وتلاوته للإناث المتخلفات في دورت
Description English Attending the first qualifier of the local Hashemite competition for memorizing and reciting the Holy Quran for none attenders females in its twentieth session on Thursday 12/19/2024
Description Arabic حضور التصفية الأولى من المسابقة الهاشمية المحلية لحفظ القرآن الكريم وتلاوته للإناث المتخلفات في دورتها العشرين يوم الخميس 19/12/2024
Slug Name attending-the-first-qualifier-of-the-local-hashemite-competition-for-memorizing-and-reciti-3487-2024
Government Entity Ministry of Awqaf Islamic Affairs and Holy Places
Resources Count 2
Total Downloads 3
Data Sectors The Government and Public sector
Keyword Tags English Awqaf
Keyword Tags Arabic الأوقاف
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 22:42 (UTC)
Created December 17, 2024, 07:25 (UTC)
Source https://www.facebook.com/share/p/14vm1YFBLc/?mibextid=oFDknk
Dataset Year 2024