
The numbers of suspected measles patients [2018]

This group expresses the numbers of suspected measles patients in the Kingdom, disaggregated by governorate , age group and gender for each year


Field Value
Title English The numbers of suspected measles patients
Title Arabic اعداد مرضى الحصبة المشتبهة
Description English This group expresses the numbers of suspected measles patients in the Kingdom, disaggregated by governorate , age group and gender for each year
Description Arabic تعبر هذه المجموعة عن أعداد مرضى الحصبة المشتبهة في المملكة مصنفة حسب المحافظة و الفئة العمرية والجنس لكل سنة
Slug Name the-numbers-of-suspected-measles-patients-291-2018
Government Entity Ministry of Health
Resources Count 1
Total Downloads 1
Data Sectors Health
Keyword Tags English measles
Keyword Tags Arabic الحصبة
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 20:12 (UTC)
Created January 15, 2020, 07:19 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2018