
water resources [2023]

The quantities of water produced from the main wells since 2009-2021 are measured in million cubic meters


Field Value
Title English water resources
Title Arabic مصادر المياه
Description English The quantities of water produced from the main wells since 2009-2021 are measured in million cubic meters
Description Arabic كميات المياه المنتجة من الآبار الرئيسية منذ عام 2009-2021 مقاسة بالمليون متر مكعب
Slug Name water-resources-2133-2023
Government Entity Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Resources Count 1
Total Downloads 1
Data Sectors Environment and Weather
Keyword Tags English The quantities of water
Keyword Tags Arabic كميات المياه
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 21:34 (UTC)
Created April 26, 2023, 19:03 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2023